
Evolution of understanding about the universe; bigbang rethink:

Evolution of understanding about the universe; bigbang rethink:

Evolution of understanding about the universe; bigbang rethink:

Until 19th century, we believe that our universe exists forever, there was no begining. In 20th century Lemeitre proposed that our universe is expanding.Later, It has been confirmed by Hubble Space Telescope .At present we know that our universe is expanding in an accelerated rate.

By computer simulation with the data of how fast our universe is expanding today , we get a result that our universe has a beginning ,we called it the Big Bang ,The instant of creation of everything as we are seeing today but this theory encounters some deep questions. Lets analyse.

Evolution of understanding about the universe; bigbang rethink:
Einstein general theory of relativity explains large scale structure of the universe with highest accuracy .
But recent deep space observation shows abnormal behaviour of some galaxies and the accelerated expansion of this universe .To account for these we have to consider dark matter and dark energy .with the help of the  Einstein's general theory of relativity and current observational data we have estimated that the universe contains almost 27% dark matter and 70% dark energy .Now we are trying to get WIMP but we couldn't get  a single particle of such type yet. The question arises; is the general theory of relativity correct over large scale of the universe or is it just  valid for limited boundary of our observable universe?

Evolution of understanding about the universe; bigbang rethink:
Physicists should have to rethink about these facts ;
Einstein's general theory of relativity ,
Assumption of no change of laws of nature  over time.
If general theory of relativity might have some faults to explain deep space activity and if our laws of nature changes over large scale of time then we have to rethink about the widely accepted theory of our time; the Bigbang theory.
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